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I would say in a few words that if either of these methods is able to be adopted with success on occasions in an easy and agreeable manner, a real step has been gained towards overcoming the affection; but if the sufferer is told to persist in uttering er, or to sing or roar out his words on all occasions, and trust to these as his infallible remedies, he will probably fail, for the remedies are so much worse than the disease that all sensitive minds would instinctively shun them with horror, and despond the more in consequence.

— Monro (1850)


From The World of Wit and Humour (1873)


Other Examples of Stuttering Humour in Victorian Culture

  • Humorous songs such as “The Stuttering Lass”.
  • Minor characters in Victorian popular fiction.
  • The celebrated theatrical character of Lord Dundreary performed by Edward Sothern. First appearance in the play Our American Cousin (1858). “Dundrearyism” in the periodical press.


From James Malcolm Rymer’s The Unspeakable: Or, the Life and Adventures of a Stammerer (1855).


From “The Two Stammerers” in The Museum of Mirth; Or Humourist's Pocket Book (1840)
  • Anthologized throughout the nineteenth century in numerous anthologies of wit and humor, as well as  recitation manuals.
  • In many of its incarnations, the “two stammerers” joke concludes with two people who stammer coming to blows because they each misperceive the other’s stammer as mockery.  


From Alexander Bell’s Stammering, and Other Impediments of Speech (1836).


From “Sound and Sense,” The Galaxy (1866).

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